Good news for the potato harvest and farmers across Aroostook County, Maine. This year’s crop is a good one with an above average yield.

Harvest is Good in 2021

Not only is that good news for our farmers and harvesters who make a living growing potatoes in northern Maine, but it’s good news to consumers too who buy some of the best produce from the County. Restaurants are also promoting many potato menu items and consumers are spending more money to go out and eat.

Maine Potato Production

According to the Associated Press, Maine is usually ninth in the United States for producing potatoes. The total weight is an astounding figure. Maine grows up to 2 billion pounds every year. That’s an incredible amount of food on the table for people around the world. 

The Executive Director of the Maine Potato Board, Don Flannery, said there was new production in 2021 - about 8,000 new acres. Again, what a massive amount of potatoes and what great growth from last year when everything was down. In 2020, growers saw a yield of potatoes that was below average.

There is a big demand for northern Maine potatoes and it’s good to know this year’s crop will meet that demand or at least come closer than last year.

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Support Local Farmers

Many people who grew up in Aroostook County, Maine helped out and worked during harvest. It continues to this day with schools letting students out to go work in the fields when the crops are ready to be harvested.

Support your local farmers and buy your produce from them as much as you can. Not only does it taste better and you get great deals, but you help to support your neighbors. Stop by a roadside farm stand today and load up. the harvest is good and bountiful and that is something to celebrate.

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