2015 Walk It Up, Presque Isle!
The 2nd Annual Walk It Up, Presque Isle! is a light, lunch-time walk taking place on Friday, October 9th from 12-1pm, at the Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the purpose of this event is to send the message that our community does not tolerate abuse and violence.
Free Purple T-Shirts and Lunch will be provided to those who pre-register. Purple is the awareness color for domestic violence, so make sure to wear lots of it!
11:00am - 12:00pm, Registration & Purple T-Shirt Pick-Up; At this time, children can take part in Story Time with our educators and a craft activity. If you pre-registered online, you can pick up your free t-shirt and lunch ticket. If you did not pre-register online, you can register in person at this time.
12:00-1:00pm, we will walk a short loop around downtown Presque Isle to call attention to the existing issue of abuse and violence and send the message that our community will not tolerate it. Participants are encouraged to create signs to carry on the walk, (i.e. “Honk to end domestic violence”). When we return to the library, lunch will be provided.
Please register yourself or a team on our website at www.hopeandjusticeproject.org. Please specify the number of t-shirts and lunches you and your team or family will require. Please, only one t-shirt and one lunch per person.
For more details about this event, please contact Casey at 207-764-2977 or casey@hopeandjusticeproject.org. For additional information, contact Casey Faulkingham at 207.764.2977 or casey@hopeandjusticeproject.org.
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