BBQ, family, and fireworks have traditionally been a big part of our celebration package when celebrating Independence Day in the County. And we've got fireworks!

On a quest to find the biggest, baddest, firework package in the County and the best deal for the money, I think I've finally found it.

It's called "The Godfather" and boasts of over $1700 worth of fireworks in the box and retails for about $999, but is on sale at Pyro City Maine for $475. The display itself stands about 6 feet tall! Wow!

The Godfather does not play around. It has 5 artillery kits, with large kits, small kits, 500 grams artillery shells and sparklers for the kids. It also has magnum flashes, fountains, with the best assortment of pyro you can buy!

Looking For A Great Show On A Shoestring Budget? Check this out!

Gary Freeman, Townsquare Media
Gary Freeman, Townsquare Media

If you want to have a good show, but can't afford the big boys, then this might be a good pick for you. "All In" will give you about a minute worth of a good sky show with pops, whistles, and cracks.

It will cost you about $7 for one, but I saw the video of it and it looks good.

Corrie Kierstead, general manager for Pyro City Maine in Presque Isle reminds adults to be safe when dealing with pyrotechnics, or fireworks.

Here's a list of Corrie's best practices for a safe and fun Independence Day!

  • Establish A Designated Shooter - Fireworks and alcohol don't mix, on many different levels. Just like you have a designated driver if you're going to be out drinking, you should have a designated shooter for the same reason.
  • Kids and Sparklers - There's nothing wrong with kids having fun with sparklers, but there are a few things you can do to avoid the situation getting out of hand. Set paper plates on the ground and tell the kids that if they stay on the plate, then they can have a sparkler. If they go off the plate, then the sparklers will be taken away. Also, sparklers get very hot. Some people have taken a red, Solo Cup, and stick the handle side of the sparkler in it to shield the hands of those holding them.
  • Water Bucket and Hose - It's good to have a bucket of water handy, along with a garden hose. You never know when you might need it.
  • Duds - Never relight a dud firework. Soak it in a bucket of water for 15-20 minutes before disposing of it.
  • Don't point or throw fireworks at other people - Remember, it may resemble a sword, but it's not one. Keep fireworks pointed away from your body and the bodies of others.
  • Don't allow your children to light fireworks.
  • Abide by Maine laws on lighting and disposing of fireworks.

Illegal Fireworks In Maine

Under Chapter 416, "An Act to Legalize the Sale, Use, and Possession of Fireworks" the following products are ILLEGAL to sell, use, or possess in Maine.

  • Missile Type Rockets and Chinese Lanterns
  • Helicopters and Aerial Spinners
  • Sk Rockets and Bottle Rockets

Keep in mind that the Federally Mandated Explosive Devices are illegal in all 50 states and are NOT considered Consumer Fireworks. 

  • M-80's
  • Silver Salutes
  • Cherry Bombs

Remember, when in doubt, check it out with your local Fire Department to see if Consumer Fireworks are allowed in your community.

Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

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