Monster Dance Contest to be Held in Limestone
There will be a Monster Dance Contest from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, October 9th at the Limestone Community School Auditorium.
This is an event that everyone can participate in and enjoy!
They are looking for teams of 5 in age categories from child(5-8) up to adult (ages 18 +) to participate and compete for awards in 11 categories(6 age/ 5 performance related). Each team fills out a registration form and submits it with a $5.00 entry fee then chooses their costumes choreographs a dance to a tune from the playlist, show up for the two rehearsals prior, then compete! Registration forms are at Limestone Recreation Department.
This event is co sponsored by The Aroostook Paranormal Investigation Society , a non profit organization, and Limestone Recreation Dept.
Tickets and programs will be available at the door so the teams can be cheered on by family and friends. This is sure to be a 'howling' good time and a 'fright' to remember!
For more information contact Limestone Recreation Department at 325-4791 or The Aroostook Paranormal Investigation Society at 325-4587.
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