2013 New Brunswick Moose Draw Results
The results are in if you're a hunter in New Brunswick.
New Brunswick Residents and Non-Residents who are hunters have been applying for a moose hunt license for the annual draw.
Resident Moose Draw: Applicants must be residents of New Brunswick whose principal place of residence is New Brunswick, be the holder of a valid New Brunswick Medicare Card* and be at least 18 years of age at the time of application. They must not be restricted from purchasing a New Brunswick Hunting License.
The results are in! Find out if you will be hunting moose this year here.
Over 4,600 licenses are being issues this year, up by about 1,000 over last year. The bulk of new permits are in areas that there have been more collisions with moose and vehicles.
Moose season is September 26th through the 28th.
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