Where Are The Best Local Places To Volunteer During The Holidays?
We are knee-deep and almost up to our waists in holiday cheer and for many people that also means volunteerism. Where are some of the best places to volunteer this year?
According to a survey released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 25-percent of Americans volunteer, somewhere, every year.
This brings us to ask this question: Where are the best, local, places to volunteer during the holidays in Northern Maine and Western New Brunswick?
Here, in Northern Maine, there are many opportunities if you would like to volunteer.
- Agency for Aging - Helping the group to visit the elderly and bring meals to them
- Homeless Shelter of Aroostook - Signing up online for their Meal Train program to make a meal and bring it by the shelter in Presque Isle
- Hope and Justice Project - Phone Volunteers
We're sure there are many other places and opportunities for us to volunteer our time and resources to our friends and neighbors during the holidays.
What places do you know of that we could volunteer? Please share those places with us in the comments section below.
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