Voting in the Maine Primary Elections, July 14
Primary elections in Maine will be held on Tuesday, July 14. Presque Isle residents who desire to vote in person may do so at the Sargent Family Community Center on Chapman Street from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. that day.
The City will be following safety guidelines established by the State such as 6 foot social distancing, requiring face coverings, and use of hand sanitizer.
Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap is, however, encouraging Mainers to vote by absentee ballot this year as part of the ongoing efforts to reduce exposure to the COVID-19 virus to both voters and election workers.
The primary will include voting for US Senate, US Representative, State Senate, and State Representative.
Depending on which party the voter is registered for, there will also be ballot questions on County Commission and Judge of Probate.
In addition, this election will include voting on the school budget as well as two referendums. Referendum #1 is on a $15M bond issue for high speed internet and Referendum #2 is on a $105M bond issue for highway and bridge infrastructure.
For this election, there is no deadline for requesting your absentee ballot. However, those requesting absentee ballots should make certain to do so in plenty of time to allow for receipt, completion and return to the City Clerk by close of business on Election Day.
Secretary of State Dunlap currently has an animated video explaining the absentee voting process in Maine as well as a recorded video message about using absentee ballots. Both of these can be found on the Secretary of State’s website www.maine.gov/sos.
To request an absentee ballot, you may do so by coming in to City Hall, by calling City Hall at 760-2702, or by submitting a request online at www.maine.gov/sos.

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