Most kids returned to school this week and are probably "dog tired" come Friday night after a busy week of hitting the books.

Allen Elliotte, Flickr
Allen Elliotte, Flickr

We've all been busy trying to get in to a routine with our children, even if they are not school aged yet. Kids are anxious to get to school to learn new things, to socialize with their friends and yes, even burn some of that built up energy.

Like those of us who work hard all week long, our kids come home exhausted as well.

I'm a firm believer in setting a bed time routine. People used to poke fun as I like to have my little one home and in bed at a reasonable hour, but you know what, my kiddo doesn't give me any grief about going to bed... and she's only 3! Love her and love routines!

This week's Top 5 is dedicated to the top 5 tips for a better bedtime routine. Here goes:

  • Set a routine that lets your child wind down after supper before going to sleep. You know, avoid television, and electronic devices so the body and brain unwind and relax.
  • Keep a set bed time and a set wake-up time that spills over into the weekend.
  • Take away cellphones, gaming devices, etc... out of the bedroom at light's out.
  • Keep the house quiet.
  • Avoid bright lights in the bedroom.

Now these may seem like basic and obvious tips, but I'm telling you, they work!

Do you have any bed time tips? Tell us on Facebook!

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