Valerie Harper who played Rhoda Morgenstern on the popular TV show - 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. 

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Harper was diagnosed in January with a rare condition called ‘leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.’ In a recent interview with People Magazine, Harper said ‘I don’t think of dying... I think of being here now.’

In 2009, Harper also battled lung cancer while performing on Broadway. In her book ‘I, Rhoda,’ the actress shared with her fans: ‘I thought this is just not going to be good for comedy if the audience is out there worrying about their Rhoda,’ so she kept that health scare private.

But with the news of her brain cancer, Harper has decided to speak up. She was a guest on ‘Good Morning America’ in January before she found out about her brain cancer and told viewers that she is waiting on test results to come back.

Harper, 73, has won four Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe while playing Rhoda Morgenstern on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show.’ In addition to her TV career, Harper was a regular performer on Broadway.

‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’

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