Loring Job Corps Presents Award To Northern Maine Community College
Loring Job Corps honored Northern Maine Community College by presenting officials with the North Stars Community Impact Award for the College’s continued partnership and commitment to Job Corps students.
According to Roger Felix, Job Corps Business and Community Liaison, the relationship with the College has “assisted the center in becoming one of the best in the country.”
Dr. Dottie Martin, NMCC Dean of Development and College Relations said that NMCC and Loring Job Corps have been educational partners for approximately 20 years.
During that time, this partnership has been an avenue for many students to continue their education and either transfer to a 4-year institution or join the workforce.
“Students have the opportunity to build a foundation at LJCC and then NMCC has the opportunity to see additional growth as the students prepare for the next phase of their life.”
In addition to the ongoing support, the College also stepped in to assist Loring Job Corps at a critical moment this winter. In the middle of a training cycle, a Loring Job Corps commercial truck driving instructor became injured which resulted in those students potentially being delayed in their training.
Hearing this news, Northern Maine Community College representatives offered to place the students into their CDL program, which ran January - March so that the Job Corps students would be able to continue their goals and complete the training in a timely manner.
Dr. William Egeler, NMCC Dean of Students stated,
“We are so pleased to have been recognized by our colleagues from Loring Job Corps. Our campus has been, and continues to be, enriched by our special relationship and especially by the talented LJCC students who choose to continue their education with us."
Since the beginning of the partnership, over 300 Loring Job Corps students have matriculated into NMCC programs such as Liberal Studies, Business, and various trades.
Felix added,
“Northern Maine Community College has gone above and beyond in providing the next phase in our students' long-range goals of gaining the education and training needed to obtain meaningful employment. Together we are ensuring that careers truly do begin here.”
The North Stars Community Impact Award is presented annually to an organization that demonstrates exceptional support of the Job Corps mission.
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