The holiday season is a stressful time of year for many of us. There is always lots of hustle and bustle, trying to get ready for this party or that party, getting gifts purchased, wrapped and under the tree.


The secret to keeping all of the warm sentiments of the holidays alive and well is to simplify. Take a few moments to consider ways you can streamline your to-dos, to-buys and to-makes.

I’ve come up with 5 easy ways to help you get started.

Reflect on priorities. Don’t feel obligated to do everything that you think you have to. Take a few moments to outline what really matters to you this time of year, like spending time with family, looking at Christmas lights, etc.

Streamline gift-giving. You give better gifts to the people you love without going over your budget when you take the time to organize a gift-giving plan before hitting the mall. And people really appreciate a thoughtful gift, rather than the biggest, most expensive gift.

Limit decorations. Simple is better. No need to go over the top and stress yourself out.

Limit commitments.  Discuss invitations with your family and set your priorities in advance. If you feel "guilty" saying you can't make an event, try this RSVP script: "My heart says yes, but, sadly, our family calendar says no. Wish we could be there to celebrate. Hope you have a wonderful time!"

Set aside time to decompress. Take a few minutes to relax, meditate and recapture a sense of calm. It will rejuvenate you!

I hope these tips help you survive the holiday season.

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