The community of Woodstock, NB has lost a beloved member of the Woodstock Police Force. The sudden passing of the 14-year veteran was made public on Monday, in a Facebook post. Constable Dale Pollock joined the force in 2007, and he had a major impact in the Woodstock area.

When sifting through dozens of social media posts about Constable Pollock, many are describing him as a caring and compassionate person. His obituary says that he enjoyed hunting and he leaves behind his wife, mother, and children. Our thoughts are with the family of Constable Pollock as well as with his bonded brothers in law enforcement. We are also thinking of the community of Woodstock as a whole. To lose a such an impactful individual will hurt for a while, but time will heal the wounds.  

There is a fundraiser being put on by Canada's 911 Ride Atlantic/Quebec to benefit the family of Dale Pollock. You can donate cash to the cause or you can purchase a "Challenge Coin” for $20. Individuals can also contribute in Dale's memory to the Autism Association in Woodstock, NB.

It is apparent that Constable Dale Pollock was beloved by many and that he returned the sentiment. To have the admiration of a community through a time when many are skeptical of law enforcement is a testament to the way Pollock handled his job and his responsibilities. In his obituary, it says that Pollock became an officer at the age of 39. Becoming a member of the force had been a dream of Dale, who spent his early years as a long-haul truck driver. 

Rest easy, Constable Pollock.

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