Jan. 1, 2013 is just days away now and many people take this time to reflect on the past year and decide what parts of themselves they want to change and improve for the upcoming year.


To embrace 2013, I came up with a list of the Top 5 New Year's Resolutions. I know we all make New Year’s Resolutions and many of us don’t actually stick to them, well, maybe we do for a month or two, but after that we just give up.

The Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions I’ve come up with are pretty realistic goals to reach, at least in my mind. So here goes:

1. Spend More Time with Friends and Family.  Most of us wish we could make more time for our friends and family. So, this year make your resolution come true by setting aside time on the weekends or after work. Try to have a family dinner with all the members in your family a couple of times each week and make an effort to meet up with friends after work and on the evenings.

2. Get Healthy. And by get healthy, I just mean do what you think is right for you. If going to the gym is your thing, then great. If not, maybe try a zumba class or other activity. Watch what you eat, choose a salad once in a while instead of a steak dinner.

3. Money Management. While the economy has not fully recovered yet, you can take control of your personal finances. Set strict goals to get out debt and create a budget for the first quarter of 2013 to figure out how much money you hope to spend and save.

4. Learn Something New. Whether you would like to learn a new language, take a writing class, the possibilities are endless!  2013 is the year for you to learn something new. Before the New Year, choose exactly what you would like to learn and set out goals. Sign up for a class, schedule a conference or buy a book to learn new skills.

5. Go to Sleep Earlier. I’m a firm believer in this one! Most people feel there are not enough hours in the day and will stay up late to compensate. By getting to sleep earlier the day might actually feel longer, because you will be refreshed for a larger part of the day. Instead of staying up late, make your resolution in 2013 to go to sleep earlier.

I hope you’ve found this week’s Top 5 helpful in coming up with your New Year’s Resolutions! Tell us on Facebook what yours are!

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