We all know that we start out strong with our New Year’s Resolutions, but after a few months, that drive and determination seems to dissipate. Let’s not be like everyone else, let’s actually stick to our resolutions this year!


I’ve come up with some tips for keeping your New Year’s Resolution. Here goes:

  • Start small and pick only one resolution.  Instead of making a list of all the things you hope to change about yourself in 2013, start small and make one straightforward, simple resolution.
  • Make a specific resolution. It is a lot more difficult to stick to a vague resolution than it is to be consistent with a very specific resolution. If you want to lose weight, for example, set a specific goal about how much weight you hope to lose and by when. If you hope to lose 20 pounds in 2013, set a goal of 2 pounds each month.
  •  Make a plan for how to achieve your goals. If you have one specific resolution, you will be able to achieve it so long as you make a plan. Outline a clear plan for how to get to your goal and you will be able to accomplish it.
  •  Positive reinforcement. Remember that change takes time! The only way you will achieve your resolution is through positive reinforcement. If you slip up, don't give up. If you can stick to your resolution for at least thirty days, you should be able to reset your habits for 2013.
  • Make your resolution public. Sometimes peer pressure and public shame can help you in moments of weakness. By telling friends and family members your New Year's resolution, they may encourage you to stick with it and tease you gently if you fall behind. By making your resolution public, you will be more likely to keep it to the end of the year.

It is my hope that we can all stick to our New Year’s Resolutions this year! Hopefully you’ll find this info helpful in reaching your goal!

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