Since the beginning of time, there has always seemed to be some kind of conflict between mankind. Some might say that mankind is its own worst enemy.

If you've ever wondered who drew the line between Maine and New Brunswick, well, you're about to find out. But what does 'pork n' beans' have to do with it?

According to various sources, the 'Pork n' Beans' War of 1839-42 is in reference to either the rations that British Soldiers were given back in the day or it refers to the main staple of the lumberjacks who lived in Maine and New Brunswick at the time and who were dispatched to fight in what was known as The Aroostook War.

As the historical account goes, it all came about or surrounded itself with Fort Ingall on the western shore of Lac Temiscouta, which is located about halfway between the St. Lawrence River and the border of Maine.

As a side note, about 45-years ago, some history buffs wanted to rebuild the fort after archeologists came upon artifacts and part of the ruins of the fort.

Some historians say that the Aroostook War was brought about as some unfinished business from the Independence War, which the Treaty of Versailles was supposed to have taken care of in relation to where the border between New Brunswick and Maine laid.

The 'good news' about the war is two-fold.

One. There were no casualties from people being shot to death. They may have died from disease or some other ailment, but not from a powder ball.

The other bit of good news was that neither side really wanted to fight. In fact, the sort of left it up to the leaders and diplomats of their respective governments to settle the matter.

You might be familiar with the two men that hammered out the treaty. They were Daniel Webster and Lord Ashburton who not only answered the question of territory boundaries but also defined the border in the Great Lakes between America and Canada.

You can still see the mighty St. John River that separates Maine from the Province.

Some even go as far as to say that the agreement came to fruition and that from no casualties,  because of the many British forts that lay along the border during the war.

Today, there seems to be a peaceful friendship between those in Maine and those in New Brunswick.

No doubt, it could be because there was a peaceful solution, or it could be because both sides agree that pork n' beans are still a great meal and that is something both sides can agree on.




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