Storm Closures for Aroostook County – Thursday March 21st
Periods of snow and high winds will lead to travel difficulties Thursday across Aroostook County and western New Brunswick.
The National Weather Service has posted a winter storm warning until around 2:00 p.m. in southern Aroostook County and until around 4:00 or 5:00 in central and northern areas. Winds will be picking up as temperatures start to drop below freezing. Expect wind gusts up to 45 by late in the day and into the evening.
Storm closures for Thursday, March 21st:
In New Brunswick, schools in Zones 1,2 and 3 of the Anglophone West District are closed due to the weather
All schools in the Francophone NW District are closed.
In Aroostook County:
All Valley Unified Schools are closed today. No school today for Houlton, Hodgdon, Southern Aroostook, Washburn, Fort Fairfield and Ashland areas.
MSAD 1 (Presque Isle area), RSU 39 (Caribou area), Woodland, Easton and Limestone will be conducting virtual learning today.
UMPI and the Houlton Higher Education Center are closed due to the weather.
NMCC is closed
Courthouses in P.I., Caribou, Fort Kent and Madawaska are closed.
Aroostook County Action Program -closed Thursday
Aroostook Regional Transportation System (ARTS) – closed Thursday
Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce -closed
Presque Isle Housing Authority - Closed
Mars Hill Recreation Dept. -closed
Region Two School of Applied Technology – closed
Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman Town Offices – closed
Frenchville Town Office – closed
Madawaska Town Office -closed
All Aroostook County Govt. Offices - closed
If you have a storm-related message, let us know at newspi@townsquaremedia.com
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