Guidelines for Winter Sports in Maine 

The winter sports season for high school sports in Maine is slated to begin next Monday and many athletes, coaches, administrators, and parents have been awaiting on guidance for the upcoming seasons. On Thursday the Maine Principal's Association (MPA) officially released their guidelines for the 2021-22 winter sports seasons. 

Some choices are your own 

In the release the MPA is allowing for the local schools and districts to set most of their own guidelines in regards to fan attendance, masking, and concession sales. They are strongly recommending masking indoors when possible, and that as many student-athletes become fully vaccinated. Masking during competition will be determined by each school district. The MPA has also recommended that school's enter pooled testing to prevent any major disruptions in the schedules during the winter months.

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What about the tournament?   

When teams are participating at venues not on school property, they will be required to abide by the guidelines of that facility. This will come into play for many when tournament time comes when teams will play at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Cross Insurance Arena in Portland, and the Augusta Civic Center. The guidelines at those venues will determine the participation of athletes, fans, and coaches in February.  

Let's Go! 

Now that we know we have a chance to return to a somewhat "normal” season, many parents and athletes are excited about the chance to compete for State championships again. Last year the winter sports seasons were played regionally with athletes masked and many gyms did not allow fans inside to watch. With the release of these guidelines, we can look forward to having Aroostook County teams competing on the road to Bangor. Take a look at the last time we had a traditional MPA sponsored Basketball tournament in 2019-20. This gallery will get you ready for some more hoops action.

Maine High School Basketball Tournament 2020

Here's a look at the 2020 Maine High School Basketball Tournament in review from the quarterfinals to the gold ball. 🏆 Please click on the links in the captions to see the game recap and more photos.

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