Maine State Police Troop F Weekly Report (May 8-14)
Troop F of the Maine State Police responded to 127 calls for service over the past week in and around Aroostook County. Here is the Troop's weekly report:
Incident Type: OUI Date: 5/07/2017 Town: New Canada Trooper: Tr. Desrosier Brief Synopsis: Tr. Desrosier received information of an underage drinking party. He was not able to get his cruiser to the party location and was waiting for a Game Warden. While waiting he observed a pickup coming from the area of the party. Tr. Desrosier stopped the truck for a traffic infraction and suspected the 19 year old male driver was intoxicated. The male performed Field Sobriety Testing and was then taken for a breath test. The test did not show alcohol in his system so Tr. Adam Bell was contacted as a DRE. Tr. Bell determined the man was impaired on drugs and the man was arrested for OUI drugs.
Incident Type: OAS Date: 5/07/2017 Town: Houlton Trooper: Tr. Adams Brief Synopsis: Tr. Adams was on routine patrol and stopped a vehicle for speeding in the town of Houlton. After making contact with the operator, it was discovered that the operator’s license was under suspension. The operator was issued a criminal summons for Operating after Suspension.
Incident Type: SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT Date: 5/09/2017 Town: Houlton Trooper: Tr. Adams TR. Bell Brief Synopsis: Tr. Bell and Tr. Adams conducted a speaking engagement for a group of 30 home schooled children who had visited the Barracks for a tour. The children ranged in age from 4-15 years old. It was a chance for children to meet Troopers and ask questions on what we do. The students toured the Troop F Barracks and were able to view the inside of one of our cruisers to see the equipment we use every day.
Incident Type: WARRANT Date: 5/09/2017 Town: Patten Trooper: Tr. Saucier Brief Synopsis: Trooper Saucier arrested a Patten man after seeing him in the Shin Pond area. Tr. Saucier knew the man had several warrants for his arrest. He was arrested without incident and transported to jail.
Incident Type: PUBLIC RELATIONS Date: 5/12/2017 Town: Dyer Brook Trooper: Cpl. Quint Brief Synopsis: Cpl. Quint participated in a career event involving State Police, Warden Service, MDOT, Oakfield Fire Department, and Island Falls Ambulance. The goal was to expose students to public safety, talk about duties and responsibilities, and show some of the equipment each career utilizes. Cpl. Quint answered numerous questions and allowed the students to look and sit in his cruiser.
Incident Type: THEFT Date: 5/12/2017 Town: Connor Trooper: Tr. Kilcollins Brief Synopsis: Tr. Kilcollins is currently investigating a theft of services (electricity) in Connor. A representative from EMERA called reporting they had disconnected the power at the residence and someone tampered with the meter and restored power. Tr. Kilcollins is working to determine who is residing at the residence so they can be summonsed for theft of services.
Incident Type: OUI Date: 5/13/2017 Town: Allagash Trooper: Tr. Pescitelli Brief Synopsis: Tr. Pescitelli was on patrol in Allagash and parked on the side of Walker Brook Road. An older pickup with two male occupants pulled up next to Tr. Pescitelli and asked him why he was in the area. The operator appeared to have been drinking, after conducting an investigation and field sobriety tests Tr. Pescitelli arrested the operator of the vehicle for Operating Under the Influence and transported him to Fort Kent PD and he later bailed from Fort Kent PD.
Lt. Harris, Tr. Flynn, Tr. Levesque, Tr. Pescitelli and Tr. Kilcollins, joined by Dep. Reid Clark, A.S.O and Ofc. Keegan McPherson, Caribou PD, had the privilege of helping out again at the Special Olympics being held on Friday, 05-12 in Presque Isle. It was a great day with great weather for the over 200 athletes competing in the Games. Troop F Troopers once again ran the long jump event, continuing a tradition that started back around 1992. It's always a great time seeing the athletes compete at the Games and watching some great competitions. Great job by everyone involved!
Troop F of the Maine State Police is responsible for Aroostook County and the extreme northern sections of Somerset, Piscataquis and Penobscot counties.
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