Maine Businesses Are About to Get a Lot Better at Busting Fake IDs
If you or someone you know has used a fake ID in Maine, now's the time to retire it.
According to News Center Maine, the new app "Age ID" uses newly developed software to bust virtually any fake ID, and thanks to The Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages, it's coming to 150 restaurants and bars across Maine. The bureau is sponsoring a program to enable Maine businesses to use the app for one year free of charge, saving them a subscription to the service that would otherwise cost them up to a few hundred dollars.
Age ID is like any other app on your phone or tablet; you download it from the app store and use your device's camera to scan the barcode on the back of any ID. Age ID instantly determines whether or not it's legit. The new app is 99.9% accurate and works on IDs from all 50 states and even some regions in Mexico and Canada.
What are your chances of tricking Age ID? Well, the New York state DMV tested 1,000 fake IDs and 100 percent were proven fake through the software. Basically, they're saying 99.9% to be conservative.
If you're a business owner dying to bust fakes, there are still openings in the program. If interested, contact MaineSpirits@Maine.gov. If you're a fake ID user, it's in your best interest to kiss that plastic goodbye.
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