Local Man’s Obituary Gently Delivers Powerful Message
All too often I can look through local obituary's and identify individuals who have fallen victim to addiction. It is extremely troubling, and saddens me when I receive reports and releases of so many people in our communities, that are affected by addiction. A recent local obituary grabbed my attention, and I admire the honesty, from their loved ones.
The part that hit home for me
Adam enjoyed spending time with family and friends. He liked to make people laugh and to laugh with them. When Adam would come home he could always be found haunting his daughters, niece and nephew. He loved horsing around with them, playing basketball & soccer and jumping on the trampoline with them. He especially loved a good water fight with them.
This man was in the same age range as me and I automatically tried to find a connection to him, that I do not have. He appeared to be a fun father to his two daughters. Having a daughter in my own and reading about Adam's interaction with them, gave me another reason to be thankful for the moments I do have with my girl.
That's all we needed to hear
Adam was a good son, brother and father who could not overcome this disease and sadly we did not have all the tools to help him. God bless you Adam Evan Anderson
The family taking time to thank anyone who came across his path and showed him love, is something that many people near him needed to read. Sometimes those left behind are left with a slight feeling of guilt, but the words "Thank you” can heal the guilt. In the end, the obituary reminds us that each person we come across is a human being. We all deserve dignity and honor, even in our low moments.
Free Resources and help
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, there are several free resources available in our area. Aroostook Mental Health Center (AMHC) and Aroostook County Action Program (ACAP) are just two of the many options in our area. 101.9 The Rock will be broadcasting live from Recover Loud Aroostook! This is being held at the Caribou Rec. Center from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Recover Loud Aroostook will feature speakers from Maine's recovery community, and there will be recovery resources from across the state in attendance.