Katahdin Trust Raises $25,000 for United Way
For more than 100 years Katahdin Trust and its employees have supported hundreds of local organizations.
Recently, Katahdin Trust employees generously pledged more than $19,000 for the United Way of Aroostook's workplace campaign. Another $1,100 was raised through the bank's Casual Because We Care Days where all 180 Katahdin Trust employees throughout northern Maine, greater Bangor and Portland area offices can dress casually on Fridays in support of various non-profit organizations all over the state. Each employee that participates donates a minimum of $1 in exchange for the privilege to dress casually and wear jeans.
Krista Putnam, Senior Vice President, Marketing, said the bank is incredibly proud of its employees and the many ways in which they continue to help make the communities better. “Throughout the last quarter of each year we conduct our annual employee campaign for United Way of Aroostook and it seemed fitting to extend our fundraising efforts with our Casual Because We Care Days." She added employee gifts were combined with additional monetary and in-kind donations by the bank, including a corporate match and support of other programs, for a total of more than $25,000.
United Way of Aroostook’s Executive Director, Sarah Ennis, praised Katahdin Trust, saying, " We are so fortunate to have partners that are willing to support our efforts in building stronger communities."
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