On the shore of Port Clyde, Maine, stands the Marshall Point Light, a lighthouse made famous for its cameo in Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks. The lighthouse itself is still a gorgeous sight, accessible via a long wooden walkway that covers the rocks. And while there have been a few tales of some odd things happening inside the lighthouse, it's the road leading towards the coastline treasure that has the bloodiest tale to tell.

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According to Mysterious Destinations Magazine, Marshall Point Road reportedly has been haunted by apparitions for decades. On the foggiest of nights, people have claimed to see the ghost of a teenager named Ben Bennett, who was murdered on the roadside.

Legend states that Bennett accidentally happened upon a rum runner in the early 20th century, who was smuggling alcohol. Bennett was chased through the woods to what is now Marshall Point Road, and killed.

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While that may sound horrific and barbaric, perhaps Bennett continues to get the last laugh. Since that time, Bennett has roamed the road, seemingly running. According to Hollow Hill, witnesses have reported seeing the rum runner with a dark beard and black boots, running down the road and holding a weapon as well. Is he running away from danger, or seeking revenge?

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So if you're into ghost hunting during the Halloween season, make your way to Marshall Point Road on a foggy evening. The road has stories to tell.

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