The United Veterans of Maine organization has announced the groundbreaking ceremony for the Dahlgren/Skidgel Farm of Hope in Caribou.

The groundbreaking event on Saturday, July 15th, will kick off the housing for the veterans homeless shelter and job training program located at the former Phil's Florist, 358 Washburn Road, in Caribou.

Keynote speaker will be Congressman Bruce Poliquin and will begin the construction of 4 duplex cottages that will serve as transitional housing for homeless Veterans in Aroostook County.

According to UVM President, John Deveau, almost all of the materials needed for the project have been donated by local businesses, as well as cash donations from Farm Credit East, who helped UVM to purchase the property.

If you're interested in helping veterans in the area, you may do so by visiting their website at or contact Karen St. Peter at the Farm of Hope at 207-492-2190.

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