Greater Houlton Christian Academy Receives Gift of $220,000
The Greater Houlton Christian Academy has received a gift of $220,000. This is the largest gift GHCA has received in its entire 29 year history.
The gift is not an annual fund gift. The donors of the gift wanted to provide resources beyond the usual annual fund in order to make much-needed improvements- such as:
- improving the science classroom by installing a tile floor, purchasing new science tables and stools, and installing chemical storage that meets all safety regulations
- installing tile floors in most classrooms that have not already been upgraded
- installing tile on the second floor and its landings
- purchasing new classroom tables for jr. high and high school classrooms
- re-fitting the front entrance so it can be locked during school hours (locks, intercom, etc.)
- re-keying classroom and office locks as recommended by state police.
GHCA will be holding a community open house later this year to thank all those who have been part of its renovation efforts.
The donors of the gift wish to remain anonymous.