Aroostook County Snowmobile Trail Report as of March 9th
We are repeating exactly what the weather was doing last week. A little bit of rain then very cold temperatures will be setting in for the weekend. Most projects are reporting still good conditions with very little issues.
There is some water starting to show up in places and some sections of trails have started to recede from the sides but all in all the riding is still great. Please keep this in mind when riding in the low lying areas and in the woods especially where the March sun can get to.
The information in this report is only as good as the sources that report it. The purpose of the report is to help snowmobilers make decisions about their trips and to insure their safety. The report will be expanded as sources provide information..........accurate info that is.
With the cold temps being predicted and hard trails ice scratchers are a very good investment. High traffic trails will get you the best lubrication where the lesser traveled trails will be harder so keep this in mind when you are planning your ride.
Gateway Snowmobile club (Van Buren) has cancelled their spring fling event.
The lakes are very icy with little snow on them so please use caution when venturing out onto the lakes.
There are some clubs in the area that will be grooming to a certain section of their trail and will turn around before the woods. The reason they will do this is if they go through and break the snow down then this will close trails down early. So if you see groomer tracks turn around before a certain section this is most likely the reason.
Remember that where there was major logging operations conditions might be hard and not much snow on these roads.
Trail 71A: only open the 1st 6 miles to Garfield.
ITS 83: is in great shape from one end of the County to the other. There is a logging operation 4 miles South of Linneus please watch for signs. There is a small logging operation near the Thibodeau road in Woodland, watch for signs.
ITS 90: Caribou is reporting that they have a few issues with their section of 90W. The section of woods behind the Woodland Highway Department also known as the Alaska to Maine Woods has a section of about 400’ of dirt where there was a logging operation. Also the upper section from trail 88 to 105 is closed for the remainder of the season. The best way to get to Portage is through Washburn on 105.
ITS 85: is connected all the way through to the crown. There is a section of road that is plowed at the Red River Bridge where Eagle Lake and Portage meet, this will be plowed for the rest of the season so please use caution. There is a logging operation South of Violette settlement please use caution watch for signs. The Oxbow area of 85 is in great shape, so head down that way it makes for a great ride.
120: the Deboullie trail is in great shape. Remember there is still a logging operation near the St. Francis road about 5 miles of plowed road.
ITS 92: From Fort Kent up through to Allagash is reported to be in good shape.
ITS 86: is groomed all the way from the Boarder in Houlton and is in good shape to Oxbow.
ITS 81: Clubs will be out once it cools off. Watch for logging operation down off the Ashland road, and also on the Ralph Craig Memorial trail.
105: this trail has seen a lot of traffic this season and there is a section that needs to be ridden with caution. South of Washburn is holding up in very good shape and North of Blackstone is as well.
ITS 88: From Fort Fairfield is reported open all the way to Ashland. Watch out for speed bumps in the Parkhurst Siding area of the Rail bed.
73B: is open and signed there is a logging operation in the Little Black lake area please use caution.
Trail 81: (Swedes Trail) is in great shape, please use caution when going behind the Heritage view apartments as there a few water holes starting to open up.
Trail 81: in Houlton has a logging operation and will be shortened and is only going Oakfield.
Trail 100 in the Caswell area has now connected with trail 94 in the Cyr Plantation area in a different location.
Trail 61: Is open off of Downtown Washburn going towards 90 there is plowed sections so please use caution.
Saint Francis Snow Angels annual snowmobile drag race Saturday March 11th. Gates open at 8am, racing starts at 11:30.
Washburn trail runner’s clubhouse. Saturday hours will be 7-2, Sunday 7-12.
Presque Isle club is having chicken stew on Friday nights from 5-7.
Meduxnekeag Ramblers Breakfast every Saturday morning from 6-9 at the Clubhouse in Littleton.
Fort Fairfield will be hosting a breakfast this Sunday from 7-11 at the clubhouse off of the Strictland Road.
The Official Snowmobile Trail Report: From the Desk of: Gary Marquis Caribou Parks & Recreation Dept. 55 Bennett Drive
On air report brought to you by Fort Kent Powersports.
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