I don't know about you, but I'm terrified of going to the dentist. Just the thought of needles entering my mouth gives me an anxiety attack. My last dentist visit turned out not to be so bad. I'm a big computer nerd and there was some Star Trek technology involved with my surgery that kept me distracted.

Star Trek Technology at the Dentist Helped with My Anxiety

I recently had a root canal and the second half of the procedure includes the donning of a crown. Once I got past the initial numbing hurdle I laid perfectly still, entered a meditative state and tried my best not to forget how to swallow and end up choking on my tongue.

About halfway through the procedure the Doc wheels this mobile computer past my head and tells me he's going to snap some pics of my tooth. For those who don't know me, I have a background in 3D graphics and what he was working with looked sort of familiar to me. After he was done with the camera I leaned over- gear still in mouth- and tried to erk out "atts ool." A 3D image of my teeth was on the screen. He touched up an approximated model of what the crown would look like and sent it off to a 3D mill in the next room.

My anxiety melted away. I was so curious about the technology involved I had to ask if I could grab some pictures. I had a full nerd-gasm.

Star Trek Technology at the Dentist Helped with My Anxiety

5 minutes later and BAM my crown was born. Technology is so amazing. I just thought this was cool and wanted to share.

What would it take to distract you from one of your fears? Let us know on Facebook.

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