Sex-Offender Apps Available Before Taking The Kids Trick-Or-Treating
It won't be long and the spooks and goblins will be canvassing the neighborhood, going door-to-door and collecting candy for Halloween. But not all doors may be safe.
Police departments throughout the County and Maine will be preparing themselves and most are aware of sex offenders living near your neighborhoods.
The sex offenders are to abide by the law, but it is good to know where they are living if you decide to take your children our Trick-or-Treating.
You can look up sex-offenders here, depending on where you live in the County.
There are some communities in America that are required to display a sign on the front door to alert visitors that they are a sex offender.
Social media has helped to make this easier for you to find the houses to avoid. There are actually sex-offender apps available to help inform parents and grandparents on what houses to avoid on Halloween.
If you would like more information about these offender locator apps, simply click here.
If you participate in Halloween activities, plan ahead and be careful.