Here are the news headlines for Maine and New Brunswick for Tuesday, July 2.

Phish Concert in Maine

A man from Southern Aroostook County has been charged with trafficking in methamphetamine after drug agents say they found evidence of a meth lab in his sister’s vehicle.

New Brunswick students are struggling to find work this summer, despite some 36,000 jobs created for students across Canada.

The owner of a western Maine tree cutting company who was also a popular local musician, has died in a wood chipper accident.

A State Senator from Aroostook County who was the subject of a vulgar remark by Gov. Paul LePage recently is running for the U.S. Congress.

It won’t be as big as their annual gatherings at Loring in the mid-1990’s, but tomorrow night’s Phish concert at the Bangor Waterfront is expected to be one of the biggest shows of the year.

 Listen to to the full Q96.1 news update for Maine and New Brunswick here:

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