Love Is Not Dead In Maine (Well, Sort Of)
When we think of Valentines Day, one can't help but be reminded of John Paul Young's song, "Love is in the air." For those who live in Maine, that statement holds true.
One study found that about 58-percent of American's plan to spend some of their hard earned cash on their sweetheart for, what we call, Valentines Day.
Those figures are up by about 5-percent from 2018.
So, if you consider yourself an average American, then you'll probably spend close to $58 this year on the one you love. However, if you're engaged to be married, studies show you'll probably spend at least $30 more.
If you live in Maine, spending on money on your sweetheart exceeds the average.
About 62-percent of Mainer's plan to exchange gifts with their significant other this year on Valentine's Day. About 34-percent of Maine shoppers will spend anywhere from $1 to $50 and 31-percent plan to spend between $51 and $100.
Where do you place on the 34-percent scale? Are you a cheapskate or are you among those who shell out $51 to $100 for a Valentines Day gift?
Mainers Most Desired Gifts
Studies show that about 47-percent of us living in the Pine Tree State are candy, chocolate, or other foods. About 47-percent dig lingerie and about 31-percent of us dig flowers.
What do you really like getting on Valentines Day?
And last, but not least, men seem to be the bigger spenders overall on Valentines Day. And, in my opinion, they should be.
Men spend about $62 dollars for the special day to $54 for the ladies.
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