Nurses spend countless hours away from their own families to help yours. This week is National Nurses Week and a time to give credit, where credit is definitely due!


Thank you to all nurses, whether it be an office nurse, ER nurse, long-term care nurse, private nurse, etc… A huge thank you goes out to all of them!

It takes a strong person to be a nurse, not only because it’s a tough job, but because nurses often miss milestones in their own loved ones lives because they are working. Nurses don’t get holidays off. They go to work even in inclement weather. They spend their days on their feet taking care of people.

Nurses are the heart of our healthcare system. Every day, nurses provide leadership, innovation and advocacy to meet the medical needs of people. From making sure a young mother knows how to care for her toddler, to showing an elderly patient how to manage his diabetes, the role nurses play is so important!

A huge thank-you goes out to all nurses from all of us!

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