Fire Destroys Building at Bridgewater Lumber Company
Firefighters from three departments battled a late night fire on Friday that destroyed a building and equipment at the Bridgewater Lumber Company.
The building at 172 Corner Road – about a mile from the U.S./Canadian border in Bridgewater – housed the production equipment for sawing barrel staves.
The Bridgewater Fire Department received the initial call just after 10 p.m., and knowing the location and potential for fire expansion, immediately called for assistance. Fire crews from Bridgewater, Mars Hill and Monticello fire departments had 29 members on scene for over 2 ½ hours fighting the blaze.
Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the one structure, and prevented nearby buildings and wood piles from igniting, according to Public Information Officer Matthew Powers.
Bridgewater Lumber Company is owned by "Bim" and Christine Finemore, who had insurance on the equipment, but not the building that burned, Powers said.
Members of the Bridgewater Fire Department monitored the site throughout the weekend to ensure the blaze would not rekindle.
The State Fire Marshall’s office was contacted because the equipment was insured.
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