Merry Christmas to you and yours! I hope you have a fantastic holiday with the ones you love!


As for me, I’ll be enjoying the day with my family, opening presents, cooking a feast, and being thankful for everything I have been blessed with. It’s become tradition for my parents to come over on Christmas morning and watch my daughter open her gifts and then my husband and I cook the Christmas Day lunch together for the family. These are things I look forward to each and every year.

Here are some Christmas Day Traditions that many people do each year.

  • Don’t open presents until after religious services or brunch. Hard for me, as I’m just like a big kid.
  • Go out for breakfast and let someone else do the cooking!
  • Choose a family member at random to pass out gifts to everyone. This is one of my favorite ones!
  • Call or have a video chat with loved ones who aren’t able to be with your family. I always call or at least send a text to family and friends that I care about.
  • Invite family, friends, and neighbors over Christmas evening for games, dessert, and to decompress from the holiday. This is something I look forward to, as I’m pooped by the end of the day!

What traditions will you be observing with your own family this year?

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