Admit it, we love easy foods, and what is easier than leftovers?

Some foods are just better the next day. Yeah, you still have to slave over a hot stove to get that fabulous food, but it doesn’t feel like as much work the next day when you just pop something in to the microwave rather than make everything from scratch all over again.

I’m not big on lots and lots of leftovers, but there are certain leftovers that I just love! This week’s Top 5 is dedicated to the Top 5 Favorite Leftover Foods.

Pizza. It’s quick, easy and delicious! Cold pizza is a fantastic breakfast, or heat it up, it’s good either way!
Matt Chan, Flickr
Matt Chan, Flickr
Pasta. Any type of pasta is awesome leftover! My favorite is leftover lasagna!
Mat_the_W, Flickr
Mat_the_W, Flickr
Chinese. There are not too many take-out foods that are just as good the next day, but Chinese food seems to hold its own when it comes to leftovers.
mroach, Flickr
mroach, Flickr
Soups and Stews. The flavors just seem to be more wonderful once they have sat overnight!
Pseph, Flickr
Pseph, Flickr
Casseroles. Broccoli and cheese casserole is my favorite.
Pat & Keri, Flickr
Pat & Keri, Flickr

What are your favorite leftover foods? Tell us on Facebook!

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