We all have bad habits, and we usually know they are bad, yet we still continue with whatever that particular vice is. We’re all guilty of it!

This week’s Top 5 focuses on our bad habits. I’m not saying I do these, well, maybe one… but that’s it.


5. Nail biting. I can’t stand to watch people do it. It just grosses me out tremendously.

4. Popping/cracking knuckles. Now this one is totally something I’m guilty of too! I figure, why not? You go to the chiropractor and he or she is going to do the same thing to you, right?

3. Nose picking. People totally do this. It definitely grosses me out to think about it though.

2. Lying. One little white lie turns into another, and so on. Not a good habit to get into.

1. Turning your car without signaling. Nothing irritates me more. It’s like get a clue people!

So that concludes this week’s Top 5. Share with us on facebook what you least favorite bad habit is.

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