Just like our fellow testosterone-sweating, meat-loving friend Ron Swanson, we’re big fans of bacon. To put our love for the greasy snack into perspective, learning about the horrific pending bacon shortage sent us into a minor panic attack, but it’s difficult to fully encompass our feelings for the meat strips. Luckily, a bacon-loving middle-schooler has done that for us.

This sixth grader took the most genius route to practicing basic sentence structures-- the bacon route. In what sounds like a sincere love letter to the stuff, the student perfectly puts our own emotions into words: “Amazing bacon in my mouth.” There you have it, folks. It's that simple!

Bacon Love Letter

After reading other fantastically-structured sentences like “Bacon is very steamy” and “Happily I ate every single strip of bacon,” we’re giving the student an honorary A+++. We’re also 99% sure this kid would even make Mr. Swanson shed a tear of bacon grease.

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