There are 4 Deer on My Road and Here Are 3 Terrible Pictures
Just like many of you I had to take a trip into town this weekend to pick up a few essentials to get me through the day. Right around the mid-point of the summer my family and I noticed a deer roaming the fields along our road.
On a late summer morning in August traveling back home on a Sunday and I hear from the back seat "Deer!". I see the deer bolt back towards the tree line and I noticed he was not alone. There were two deer. To make a long story short, just three weeks ago we were making the same drive home when we spotted not one, not two, not three, but four deer together. These four deer all appear very healthy and active.

After some time away I had figured that the deer had found new areas to roam and avoid the hunters who will be looking for them in a couple of weeks. As I rounded the corner one of the deer and I caught each other's eyes at the same time. I did a quick scan of the road and was able to quickly pull to the side of the road. I grabbed my phone and got these okay, but not stellar pictures.
He was elusive and quick on an early Sunday morning. The Patriots could have used this guy's speed and quickness to slow down the Cowboys final game winning drive on Sunday. I wonder if he and the other guys have gotten into a fight over a doe or two?
The deer are trying to avoid the fate of the porcupine I came upon less than a 1/4 mile down the road. This was some fresh roadkill that I am thankful was taken care of rather quickly on Sunday. Nobody wants the job of cleaning up the roadkill.
Are you ready for the deer hunt this year? Share your hunting story with us.
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