Many college application deadlines are approaching on November 1. Choosing a good college is important, especially with tuition costs doubling since the 1980's.

Many of our youngsters in the Pine Tree State choose to stay here and attend one of many opportunities for higher education, so it can really be important to know what each university or college has to offer.

Because we all would like for our college-bound kids to be as informed as possible before choosing a college or university, our friends at WalletHub have compared nearly 1,000 institutions in the U.S. and have figured out which ones are ranked tops in Maine.

WalletHub figured out the top 6 schools in Maine by using 30 key measures which were then grouped into seven different categories like Student Selectivity, Cost & Financing and Career Outcomes, to name a few.

Here are WalletHub's Top 6 Universities in the State of Maine:

  1. Colby College (41st in the nation)
  2. St. Joseph's College
  3. University of Maine
  4. University of Southern Maine
  5. University of New England
  6. University of Maine-Fort Kent

Maine has some really good colleges and universities and we wish you all the best as you dig in and select a good one for your kids.






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