
Nackawick Fire
Nackawick Fire
Nackawick Fire
A man is under arrest after driving his pickup truck into the Nackawic Fire Department/ Town Hall early Monday morning and igniting a fire that damaged the building and several fire trucks.
Golf Course Damage
Golf Course Damage
Golf Course Damage
The Keswick RCMP  is looking for whoever caused tens of thousands of dollars in damage at a golf course just outside Fredericton over the weekend.
Cemetery Crash
Cemetery Crash
Cemetery Crash
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Prosecutors have brought charges against a mother and daughter they say caused $34,000 worth of damage at a Monmouth cemetery when they rammed each other’s cars.
Cemetery Demolition
Cemetery Demolition
Cemetery Demolition
MONMOUTH, Maine (AP) — Police say a mother and daughter are facing charges after ramming each other's cars during a dispute in a Monmouth cemetery, resulting in damage to several headstones.