Star City Flag Program to Continue
The displaying of American flags in Presque Isle during holidays looks like it will continue after all.
For more than 20 years, on several different holidays, the American Legion Post 88 has been lining Main Street with flags. After struggling to get enough help to do it, it was decided back in April not to continue the project
Then, at its regular monthly meeting this May, members of Post 88 in Presque Isle made the decision to start planning on resuming its holiday flag displays. The flags would be put up along the Presque Isle business districts which are made up of Main, North, Parsons and Industrial Streets as well as the Houlton Road.
A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, with the American Legion executive committee and members of the Presque Isle Elks, Lodge #1954. The meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post on Central Drive in Presque Isle.
Any military veterans or active service personnel who wish to participate in this project are encouraged to attend.
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