Spending By Film Production Companies Triples in Maine
Film production in Maine was on a roll in 2013. The Maine Film Office says it certified a total of 16 productions, more than $4.7 million in direct spending by various companies in Maine. That’s a significant jump from 2012, when there were eight certified productions and $1.5 million spent in Maine.
Maine's film incentives play a pivotal role in attracting interest from film and television producers and enable the state to remain competitive in the industry.
"Maine's production incentives help generate a solid return on investment," said Film Office Director Karen Carberry Warhola. "In 2013, the direct spend of the productions in Maine was $33.23 for every dollar paid out in the program."
The Maine Film Office is working to market and promote the growth of the production industry, and has undertaken a variety of new initiatives to showcase Maine as a prime location. Those efforts include updates to the Maine Film Office website, making it easier for producers to find locations, talented crew listings, local businesses that can supply needed goods and services, and film-friendly communities.
The office also meets regularly with filmmakers, reads scripts, and attends film industry trade shows, local and national film festivals, screenings, and industry events.
The Maine Film Office is part of the Maine Office of Tourism within the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Film, television and commercial production companies spending at least $75,000 in Maine may qualify for the Maine Visual Media Incentive Plan. The incentives are a mix of various rebates and credits.
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