Schools in Mars Hill keep masks; Town offices Close Due to Covid
Officials for MSAD #42 in Mars Hill announced that all students and staff will be required to wear masks in school until the schools dismiss for harvest break. The district had put mandating masking for the junior high and high school on August 21, then masks were mandated for the K-6 elementary school on August 26.
At the time, Superintendent Elaine Boulier said the mask mandate was for a 10-day period and that the school would review the policy around September 3. The district said they would be considering the case count in the community and in the school. On Tuesday, Boulier released a letter updating the district that masking will remain in place through September 16. The entire district will break for harvest on the 16th and will return to school on October 12.
In the letter, Boulier said that there are 5 cases in the school district they are aware of at the time. Three of the cases are in the Central Aroostook Jr/Sr High School and there are two known cases at the Fort Street Elementary School. For students who are quarantined, they are required to check into google classrooms for daily assignments so they don't fall behind this early in the school year. None of the cases are believed to have originated within the school buildings.
The school district will continue to monitor the situation over harvest break in the community and surrounding areas. Mars Hill town offices closed on August 27 due to a positive case and remained closed today as the community works to stop the spread right now. Boulier reiterated that they will be sure to let everyone know in advanced of the plans when students return in October. To keep up to date on this, be sure to follow the MSAD #42 Facebook page.
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