Register For The 2nd Annual Caribou Marathon As It Returns To The County
It's that time again to don your favorite running outfit, lace up your best running shoes, attached your number, and get ready to run in the 2nd Annual Caribou Marathon.
Race registration begins Saturday, September 16. You'll be able to pick up your race packets and get your restaurant booklets with coupons inside. You can also register on line here.
Race day is on Sunday, September 17.
There are many different races you can participate in. Everything from the Marathon, to relay races, kids' races, half marathon, and hand cycle races.
We recently caught up with Christina Kane-Gibson, Events and Marketing Coordinator for the City of Caribou, who thanked the many sponsors who make this event possible.
She wanted to let the community know that they're about a month out from the event. They have had T-shirts made up and art work was donated by the sponsors as well.
Chris Bernier, co-owner of Sub 5 Race Management and Race Director for the marathon said, "The community support here is unmatched by any other community I've directed a race in."
Bernier said that they did adjust the course in making it a bit flatter than last year.
He also said that they are set to go with volunteers are in place, the party zone is in place and now all they need are runners.
If you're interested in running the marathon or would like more information about the event, visit their website here.
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