What To Do Today For Random Acts of Kindness Day
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Plural. So let us all shoot for at least 2 random acts of kindness.
And if we channel our inner kindergarten kid, we can easily do it. And it doesn't have to blow your macho image.
Maybe it’s as easy as saying something nice to someone, unexpectedly.
Coffee’s on me this morning
If you really want to live it up and have people reacting to ‘the new you’ here are a few things you could do.
Get a blank card, or it doesn’t even have to be a card. A blank piece of paper will work. Write something nice in or on it. Like
‘Just want to make sure you know I appreciate what you do for me’
And give that to the person who serves you your drive thru coffee today. Or the checkout person at the store.
That should be easy, right. After all you already did that for your partner on Valentine’s Day on Monday. Right?
Still have any idea how to make a paper airplane? On the outside write
Whoever finds me, unfold me
And on the inside write something positive. Today is the day for you to soar.
Then fly it out your window for someone to find.
Hopefully you won’t get arrested for littering.
Get some sticky notes. Write something nice like You look fabulous, and leave them on a mirror for someone to discover
Give someone who is not expecting them, flowers. Tell them it’s Random Acts of Kindness Day and they deserve flowers. Maybe the little ole lady neighbor who lives alone.
Today might not be the day to do this, but get some sidewalk chalk and write and/or draw something that might bring a smile to someone’s face.
Whatever you do doesn’t have to be earth shattering, but it might mean the world to someone.