Informational Meeting on Mining at Bald Mountain Open to Public
Area residents are invited to an informational meeting in Ashland on Thursday, January 9 about the potential of mining in the area of Bald Mountain. This meeting will provide residents an opportunity to learn more about the processes required before mining can begin.
This presentation, arranged by the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce, Town of Ashland and Town of Portage Lake, is meant to be educational but will not relate to specific proposals for any mining operations in Bald Mountain. The Maine Legislature is currently studying changes to regulations which may allow mining in the state.
Dr. Robert Marvinney, Maine state geologist and director of the Maine Geological Survey will speak on the geology of the area and volume of mineral deposits.
Carol A. White will be speaking on groundwater preservation. White has been responsible for a variety of hydro geologic investigations, water supply studies, and hazardous waste investigations. She has supervised large-scale remedial investigations at several Superfund sites.
Ben Gilman of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce will outline the procedure relating to development of legislation. Gilman is Senior Government Relations Specialist and focuses primarily on utilities and energy, natural resources, and business regulation issues.
The potential mining site is a 500-acre parcel of land on Bald Mountain just northwest of Ashland and Portage Lake, that is owned by J.D. Irving, Ltd.
The January 9th meeting at Ashland Community School begins at 7:00pm. The doors will open at 6:00. All area residents are invited to attend.
For more information, contact the Central Aroostook Area Chamber of Commerce at 764-6561, the Town of Ashland at 435-2311, or the Town of Portage Lake at 435-4361.