Effective Immediately Two Portland, Maine Venues Are Requiring Proof of Vaccination
Proof of Vaccination
With the delta variant and the COVID-19 virus on the rise and with most of the state of Maine being considered "substantial" or "high" for the rate of transmission changes are coming for two Portland venues.
In an effort to help slow the spread while still holding events, State Theatre and Thompson's Point will be making changes effective immediately.
To attend an event at one of the two venues, both staff and patrons will need to either provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test from within the last 48 hours. Additionally, you will need to show your photo ID to be sure that the card/test is, in fact, yours.
Those under the age of twelve are exempt.
Upcoming events include:
Brandi Carlile, this Friday, August 20th at Thompson's Point, Lake Street Drive at Thompson's Point on Saturday, the 21st, Jason Mraz at Thompson's Point Tuesday the 24th, Wilco & Sleater-Kinney the 25th at Thompson's Point, 311 at Thompson's Point on the 26th, and Melissa Ethridge on Tuesday the 31st.
See the full list of events here and for the latest follow State Theatre on Facebook here.
***Update: Portland House of Music and Events just announced a similar policy effective 8/26***
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