Check out the news headlines and listen to the latest update for Wednesday, June 26.


An apparent propane explosion downstate in Yarmouth leveled a building at a condominium complex and claimed the life of a 65-year-old man.

State police continue to investigate the death of a 2-year-old girl who was found in her mother's car in the Bangor area.

No one was hurt after fire broke out overnight at a home in Lincoln, New Brunswick.

The U.S. Army says a soldier from Maine has been killed in Afghanistan.

Lawmakers are expected to return to the State Capitol today to decide whether to override Governor LePage's veto of the state's $6.3 billion budget.

A Lewiston man saved his baby from a potentially dangerous situation after lightning struck his house last evening.


 Listen here to the latest Q96.1 news for Maine and New Brunswick.

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