Check out the news headlines and listen to the latest update for Thursday, June 13.


A New Brunswick man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for trying to smuggle more than 2,000 methamphetamine pills into the U.S. last November.

Lawyers for a transgender girl and an Orono school clashed before Maine’s highest court yesterday over whether her rights were violated when the school would not allow her to use the girls’ restroom.

Police in the Maine town of Waldoboro are investigating an animal cruelty case involving a young dog that they say was shot at least 80 times with a BB gun.

Atlantic Canada's first female police chief—Leanne Fitch of Fredericton—says conditions are improving for women police officers but there's still room for improvement.

U.S. maple syrup production soared to a record 3.2 million gallons this year, boosted by good weather and a high number of syrup taps in use.


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