New Brunswick Releases New Family Plan For Improving Access To Health Care
According to New Nouveau Brunswick Canada's website, the provincial government has released plans to make health care more accessible for Canadian families.
Health Minister Victor Boudreau acknowledged that the people's government has been listening and recognized the impact of quality of life for families that had easier access to acute and primary health care.
The report highlighted three primary initiatives to improve access to health care which was:
- Developing models of co-oriented and integrated healthcare services that would show more consistency and appropriateness in care.
- Working on actions that would allow New Brunswickers to receive the proper level of care they need to maintain good health and feel better.
- Continuing to research family medicine with the New Brunswick Medical Society
The report also laid out plans on how families and doctors can help to achieve better health outcomes. Areas like managing chronic diseases, leveraging good resources and making sure families have access to services and programs within the healthcare system.