Like many other school districts throughout Aroostook County, MSAD #45 - Washburn - is scheduled to host an informational meeting on the proposed 2019 school budget.

Many school districts in the County are facing reductions in state education funding and they are seeing a decline in both resident and student populations. MSAD #45 in Washburn is no different.

Therefore, on May 3 at 6 p.m. in the Washburn Elementary Gymnasium, the school board would like to inform the public about the status of the school district.

The purpose of the meeting is intended to allow for comments and suggestions from the community on the issues facing the 2019 education budget and to focus on what exactly are the priorities in the district.

The meeting will be informal in an attempt to build understanding and consensus.

Townsquare Media
Brian Carpenter, SOS, Townsquare Media

The Board has requested the presence of Brian Carpenter, Superintendent of Schools and Clint Deschene, Assistant Superintendent for the meeting.

Board Chairman Ryan Rackliffe said,

"We believe further cuts will impact the education we must provide. Front and center is our responsibility to our students and additional cuts will have a negative impact. We need the community to be aware of and carefully consider the potential impact to the district if we make further cuts."

The input discussed at this meeting will be used to help develop a final budget package to be adopted by the Board for presentation to the community at the usual District Budget Meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for May 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the Washburn Elementary Gymnasium.

The District has posted a brief memo outlining the issues and possible solutions on the MSAD #45 website.

You may also obtain information and ask questions by emailing Teresa Ewing, District Business Manager at

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