Mama Raccoon Brings Babies To Meet Maine Chef
Most people in the area probably recognize Chef Brian Ross from his work in kitchens across Eastern Maine. Having worked in the food business since he was in High School, Ross then went on to Culinary School and has worked in many different positions in the food and beverage industry, most recently lending his talents to the Christine B. Foundation.
His reputation as a man who knows the food biz is not only known by the people of Maine, but word has spread throughout the critter kingdom, as well, to the point where Ross now has quite a "wild" following.
From his home in Hampden, he and his wife Pamela have met a number of furry friends. For some reason, Ross seems to be a magnet for them!
"Chipmunks, and flying squirrels, all seem to think I make a good perch! "
"Chipmunks love the bird seed but when it comes to peanuts they fill up, run home and store it, then come running back over and over. They must have some enormous storerooms."
"I have a picture of my father sitting on the same deck feeding a trio of raccoons over 30 years ago. Apparently the legend of the people on the hill and their great buffet has passed on through 30 generations of raccoon folklore!"
One recent encounter, in particular, had Ross and his wife pretty excited. It had to do with a mama raccoon they'd befriended.
"Starting last year we had a very obvious recent mother raccoon come onto the deck. We would throw out tidbits and some leftovers and soon she became pretty tame and would come up to the door and peer in. Eventually, she brought her little ones up to introduce them to us. They became very comfortable around us as well."
"This year the story repeated with one of last year's little ones showing up right at the door, obviously in the same condition her mother was the year before. She comes up nightly and joins us for her meal, occasionally going nose-to-nose with one of the cats at the screen door. Neither of them reacts other than thinking that the other is an odd-looking cat/raccoon."
In the last few days, the mama raccoon came back to visit Ross, and brought her babies with her. Ross caught the encounter on video. (click to watch the entire adorable encounter!)
"The video is the first time she introduced her family to us."
Ross says each animal that visits has their own personality.
"Some can be pretty insistent when they want what you have. The raccoons are less picky. They will eat the same as the chipmunks but love grapes, most cooked leftovers, crunchy dog food, and bread. [They] don't like bananas or raw vegetables."
Ross says he lives far away from other folks all the animal activity, there's no one around for his little friends to annoy.
"No neighbors close enough to bother them. Maybe that's why there are so many critters milling around."
While he very much enjoys his current gig, providing Cancer patients with nutrition through his position with the Christine B. Foundation...
"With as many wonderful meals as I have prepared over the years, none give me as much satisfaction or have more meaning than the nutrition packages we distribute supporting cancer patients and their families... "
He says he also gets a kick out of helping out his new friends and neighbors.
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